Woodcreek Comm Assoc

The intent of this page is to share links to various Google Photos folders that contain photos of Woodcreek Community Association events. These are lower resolution photos suitable for social media. They have had minimal processing and probably won't print well. You may share these photos with your family and friends, provided they are not changed in any way. Some of the photos may be used on the cover the Community Association newsletter, or in Facebook or Instagram posts; those will have had additional work.

These photos are intended to support our local community association activities. They are not intended for commercial purposes. I retain all copyrights as the photographer.

If you see one you like, contact me at loungecatproductions@gmail.com. I will go back to the original photo and send you a higher resolution version for a modest fee to cover my time. These will be custom tweaked to get the best from the photo. To do this I need to know which photo(s) you want. Click on it, and look in the upper right corner for a little "i" with a circle around it. Click that and a panel will open on the right. About half way down you will see something like this.

I need the IMG number, in this case 9968. (It's a photo of Cec, in case you were wondering.)


20241027 LINK 355 photos from the Halloween party. Kudos to Tara and the volunteer team who decorated upstairs and downstairs, plus set up marshmallow roast on the basketball court. We had a huge crush of people right from the start, and everybody appeared to be enjoying themselves.

20240928 LINK 52 photos from the Garage sale. Lots of stuff was piled up on tables, and people started buying shortly after the doors were opened. The volunteers were hard at it, organizing stuff and helping people.

20240815 LINK A few photos from our first ice cream social in the Woodborough park. Lots of fun! Not sure how many people actually showed up, but 165 said they would, and there was only a little bit of ice cream left over.

20240706 LINK I'm actually on vacation in Newfoundland so I missed out on what looks like the best breakfast yet! My good friend Sean Drysdale was kind enough to stand in for me, and the link leads to his album of photos. 

20240618 LINK Only 17 photos from the Volunteer appreciation night. It's hard to concentrate on photos when you have to concentrate on doing MC speaking and making sure that the volunteers and staff are recognized for their contributions. Events couldn't happen without the volunteers, and the association itself could not function without our staff. A huge thank you to all the staff and volunteers for their many contributions!

20240615 LINK 108 photos from our first Woodcreek Wheels event. We had about 20 cars, ranging from nearly 100 years old to cars I could have bought new. Thank you to Ruth and Dianna, who suggested the event to us and organized it, along with the help of our great staff and volunteers. It seems to have gone well. The rain held off so the beautiful cars didn't get wet. It was the first event for our new summer student, Sophie, welcome!

20240615 LINK Woodwillow Neighbour Day BBQ. The people on Woodwillow Close have adopted the park on their street, and have begun to organize a neighbourhood betterment group. They held a BBQ at the same time as the Wheels event. I walked over to say hello, and was joined by Cllr McLean and Patrick Poilievre. 

20240525 LINK 109 Photos from another successful Community Cleanup day. This is one of our bigger events, with a steady stream of people bringing their stuff they want gone. Once again our volunteers proved that many hands make light work. Well, maybe except for that cast iron Rockwell tool frame thingie. The shredding truck was busy, the electronics guys filled all 8 bins and had more on top.

20240504 LINK This was a huge day for Naomi and all the volunteers that have worked with her over the past several years to take the pantry from a tote bin, to a big dedicated space for dry goods on one side, and a fridge freezer on the other. More than 350 people showed up to buy a hot dog snack, and donate to the pantry. Thank you all for attending. We were fortunate to have our representatives from all three levels of government help us dedicate the pantry. 

From L to R, Jennifer Hogg (WCA 1st VP), Shuvaloy Majumdar (MP, Calgary Heritage), Naomi Burkinshaw (WCA director in charge of the pantry), Dan McLean (Councillor, Ward 13), and Nagwan Al-Guneid (MLA, Calgary Glenmore.) A special thanks to them for taking time out of their busy schedules.

20240322 LINK 213 photos from the Easter Egg Hunt. Once again the event sold out. Tara and the volunteers did a great job coping with the several days of snow. The hunt was moved indoors to a specially decorated room, and there was lots of shovelling to clear the snow in the grove of trees near the garage.

20240211 LINK 96 photos from the last Shinny and family skate of the year. The kids ran us out of cookies, and it was a nice day to skate and enjoy hot chocolate and fun with friends.

20231216 LINK  132 photos from the Skate with Santa. Lets have a huge round of applause to our hard-working ice rink crew who managed to get the ice ready in spite of weather that barely cooperated. Lots of kids showed up to talk to Santa. Everybody enjoyed their first skate.

20231104  LINK, 108 photos from the Craft sale. There was a line up at the start, and a good crowd of shoppers while I was there.

20231029 LINK 221 photos from the Halloween part. We had a huge turnout, with more people than expected. Volunteers put on a great event!

20230708 LINK 222 photos from our Stampede Breakfast. We got way more people than expected and 1300 sausages (Thank you Safeway!) disappeared quickly. Great weather and good time seemed to be had by all. 

20230513 LINK 164 photos from one of our most successful community cleanups. 315 vehicles came through.

20230423 LINK 50 photos from our first BINGO in several years. About 70 people attended and it looks like everyone had a good time. Leanne and the volunteers did a great job!

20230401 LINK 157 photos from the Easter Egg hunt. The event sold out, Tara did a great job organizing, the kids had fun, the volunteers were awesome, and it didn't snow. What more do we need?

20230108 LINK 68 photos from the first Shinny/Family skate event we've tried. Nicole volunteered to organize it, found some grant money from Councillor McLean. About 50 people showed up to skate, nibble cookies, and drink hot chocolate. The ice was in great shape thanks to our hard-working volunteer ice rink crew.

20221217 LINK 151 photos from the Kids Skate with Santa event. Mara did a great job organizing, Santa was awesome, and everyone seemed to be having a good time in the crisp weather. Thank you to Safeway for generously donating hot chocolate, cookies, and firewood. In case you went straight here without reading the top of the page, there's two points. One is that these are social media sized photos with minimal editing that you may download unaltered and use in your own social media. If you want a higher resolution version without the watermark because you want to print it, read the instructions above to give me the image info I need to find it in the more than 450 photos I took.

20221208 LINK 92 photos from the Senior's Luncheon at the Carriage House inn. Lots of great prizes given out, with special guest Councillor McLean attending.

20221105 LINK 130 photos from the Craft Sale. There was a steady stream of people coming in, and then leaving with things tucked under their arm or in a bag. 

20221023 LINK 78 photos from the Kid's Halloween party. I'm not sure how many people attended, but it was lots, and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Note that it was in a fairly dark room, and I was using a really wide lens so there's some edge and shadow distortions.

2022 0924 LINK Only 11 photos from the sale. I got there late and was told I'm missed the frenzy at the start, with lots of the items sold. In case you're wondering, I was in Yukon for the community cleanup, so any photos you see will be from someone else.

20220709 LINK 143 photos from the Stampede Breakfast. We had a great turnout, thank you so much to our sponsors Safeway and Shoppers Drug Mart, and all the volunteers that helped make it happen.

20220628 LINK 33 photos from the first food truck event of 2022. Mark your calendar for the next one on July 12, where we are planning a beer garden for adults.

20220627 LINK 19 photos from the Volunteer appreciation evening. Volunteers are essential to WCA events happening, and we appreciate every one of them! 

20220409 LINK 120 photos from the Eggstravaganza. The kids seemed to be having fun hunting for the eggs, and all the other activities. Tara did a great job organizing!

20211218 LINK 162 photos from the Skate with Santa. Lots of people showed up and seemed to be having fun.

20211106 LINK 99 photos from the Craft Sale.

20210919 LINK 32 photos from the Pop up music concert.

20210918 LINK 69 photos from the September community cleanup. 

20210825 LINK 24 photos from the fourth and last Food Truck visit. (I was out of town for the third night.) 

20120728 LINK 70 photos from the second Food Truck visit. Another fun night! I was more in the mood for portraits of individuals or small groups than overall crowds, but there's some of everything.

20210724 LINK 30 photos from the senior's book sale. A steady stream of people bought lots of books.

20210713 LINK 105 photos from the first visit Food Truck visit. Lots of people showed up, and all of them seemed to be having fun.

20210710 LINK 219 photos from the Stampede breakfast. We we had a ton of hard working volunteers helping out, and everyone appeared to be having a good time. It was wonderful to get out to see people again, and photograph an actual event. Thank you to Safeway and Shoppers Drug mart for their generous contributions.

20210701 LINK 22 photos of Little Brown Jug Brass band playing a boulevard party on Canada Day.

20210610 LINK 25 photos documenting the tennis court practice board repair by Al and Kevin.

20210522 LINK 27 photos of our gardening club adding flowers to the planters at the office.

20210515 LINK 113 photos from our spring community clean up.

20211006 LINK 24 photos of our ice rink volunteers hard at it, keeping the ice in great shape for the many skaters.

20201107  LINK 76 photos from the 2020 Craft sale. We had to be a bit cautious due to COVID restrictions, but our vendors and volunteers worked really hard to make it work.

20201024 LINK 136 photos from the kid's Halloween party. More than 70 kids showed up on a chilly evening. The volunteers put on a great event.

20200919 LINK 66 photos from the fall community cleanup event. 

20200912  LINK 59 photos. Essentially our first community event of 2020. Our turnout wasn't perhaps as big as some of our other events, but all who attended seemed to have a good time with the games, and listening to a great band the Little Brown Jug Brass.

20200523 LINK 8 photos of our gardening club planting flowers to beautify our community association building.

 20191207 LINK 203 photos from the Kid's Christmas Party. I took almost 850 photos, and it was really hard to choose between them. My neighbours have some cute kids.

20191202 LINK 39 photos from the volunteer appreciation dinner. Our community association puts on many events throughout the year, and they wouldn't be possible without the many hard working volunteers that contribute their time and energy. They help make our community a better place to live. On behalf of the association Board of Directors and Executive, I whole-heartedly thank them, and hope to see you at the next event.

2019-11-17 LINK 184 photos from the spaghetti dinner. Looks like everyone had fun.

201910-02 LINK 71 photos from the Christmas Craft Sale.

2019-10-26 LINK 115 photos from the Children's Halloween party. I tried using a faster lens, and it worked somewhat better than last year, but the photos are still a bit dark. Which I hope is ok for the season.

2019-10-05 LINK 150 photos from the fall Community Clean up.

2019-09-28 LINK Photos from the Woodcreek Lion's Garage Sale. I missed the crush at the beginning. 38 photos of volunteers and those looking for a bargain.

2019-07-13 LINK Photos from pancake breakfast. 224 photos of hard working volunteers, and those enjoying the breakfast. Plus kids having fun.

2019-06-15 LINK 105 photos from the Family Fun day.

2019-05-21 LINK 126 photos from the Senior's Brunch.

2019-05-13 LINK 34 photos so far from the first Get Going day. I'll add more photos as I have the opportunity.

2019-05-11 LINK 76 photos from the spring Community Clean up day.

2019-04-27 LINK 196 photos from the spaghetti dinner.

2019-04-13 LINK 95 photos from the Easter egg hunt.

2018-12-08 LINK 120 photos from the WCA children's Christmas Party. This was fun, Santa showed up, so there are many photos of him and various kids of all ages. These are the best of the photos, I think. There are some children with Santa where there are additional photos. If you like what you see so far, and want to see the others, I can set them up in a separate Google Photos folder. Please email me and we'll discuss it.

2018-11-18 LINK 114 photos from the Spaghetti Dinner.

2018-11-17 LINK 49 photos from the St Jude craft sale. The light in the gym showed up really green in the photos. Even after I removed it, the colours still look just a little odd.

2018-11-10 LINK 53 photos from the WCA craft sale.

2018-10-20 LINK 105 photos from the Children's Halloween party. Note, these photos are a bit grainy because the room was dark and I was shooting without a flash. These ones are tweaked about as much as they can be.

2018-09-29 LINK 64 photos from the Woodcreek Lions Garage Sale.

2018-09-15 LINK 304 photos from the September Community Clean up day.

2018-09-13 LINK Southwest Hockey Trees of Love. 11 photos.

2018-07-07 LINK Pancake Breakfast. There are 492 photos, including our ward Councillor, Diane Colley-Urquhart. If you were at the breakfast, you are probably in one of the photographs.

2017-06-23 LINK Family Fun Day. 54 photos. Including a visit by a fire truck.

2018 May June LINK After School Get Going. 21 photos, kids having fun, skateboarding, basketball, pickle ball. (Note, the parents of these children signed a waiver permitting photography.)

2018-05-12  LINK  Community Clean up. 39 photos

2018-04-15 LINK Community Spaghetti Dinner. 144 photos. I tried not to take any of people dribbling sauce down their shirt.

2018-04-08 LINK 36 photos. Woodcreek afternoon concert with Bebo Grove, and 2 Late for the Party. (Note, these bands have been given photos of them suitable for publicity purposes.)

Please let me know if any of the links are not working. Its my intent to keep them active, but Google may change things.

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