Saturday, July 7, 2018

WCA pancake breakfast

Pancake breakfasts are a fixture of life during Stampede. If you could take the syrup dosage and added some vitamin pills, you could take in enough calories to last for weeks, maybe months!

My local community association did our breakfast this morning. A good time seemed to be had by all, even though there were struggles with the wind gusts blowing out the burners on the grill. The cooks were stacking tables around the grills and wrapping foil to keep the heat going, trying to stay ahead of the big line up of people.

I've photographed several events for the community association now, and am getting to know some of the people. Lots of the volunteers show up and help out again and again, so you have to give them a big round of applause. Without them these sorts of events wouldn't happen.

Our local councillor, Diane Colley-Urquhart, showed up, donned an apron, and pitched in. She was flipping pancakes, and helping deal with the wind till the very end. It was nice chatting with her assistant about photography.

I've put 492 photos in a Google Photos folder for people to look at. These are a low resolution version suitable for social media, and people are free to use them unaltered as such. They aren't going to come out that well printed. If you really like one of the shots, for a modest fee I can sell you a higher resolution version with the watermark removed, and and I'll do a custom job tweaking the settings.

Here's the link to the Google Photos folder.  Link.

Here's a teaser showing some of the volunteers hard at work.

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